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Modern Wooden House
Hurricane Tips

1) Water- Make sure to have plenty of bottled water for your family.  One person needs at least a half a gallon of water a day.

2) Food- Purchase 3-5 days worth of non-perishable food.  Canned meats, dried fruits, cereals and peanut butter are perfect choices.

3) Gasoline- 1 to 2 days before a storm make sure to fill up your car with gasoline.  Also, fill up any extra cans you have for use for portable generators. 

4) Medications- Have plenty of your prescription medications on hand before the storm as it make take additional time for pharmacies to have full stock after the storm. 

5) Cooler- Keep plenty of ice and a cooler on hand  to help keep staple food items and any medications cold until power is restored.

6) Review your Emergency Plan- Make sure everyone in your home knows about the safest spot in your home. 

7) First Aid Kit- Make sure to have a fully stocked first aid kit on hand in the event of a minimal medical emergency.  

8) Secure Important Documents- Secure all insurance cards, insurance information, IDs and other pertinent information in a water-proof container.  

9) Know Your Evacuation Zone- Learn your home's evacuation zone and finalize an evacuation plan before the storm hits.  Keep a full tank of gas ready and available.

10) Disposable Items- Keep paper plates, plastic utensils, paper towels, garbage bags, toilet paper and other disposable items on hand. 

11) Leisure Items- To help pass time and fight off boredom, break out the books, magazines, and board games.   Make sure the kids have plenty of non-electronic toys and their comfort items near by to keep them busy and calm.

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